Using different git accounts in your computer

I am using 2 different GitHub accounts on my computer. I checked out using my account A first and Windows asked my for storing the credential and I accepted. But when I try to push to my account B repository, git always use my account A to push and error return Option 1: Try to check out B’s repo again with B account in the url then try to push

Karma AngularJS httpBackend Error Unexpected request

Today I create a test class for ajax calls from Angular controller. I already setup the mock HTTP response but when I run the test still say Unexpected request After a while trying I found out that when you use the “expectGET” mock HTTP response must be the same order as when your controller request. You can open Developer mode in your browser, Network tab, see the order of the XHR request were made then change your mock HTTP response to be the same order.

Vagrant puphpet/centos65-x64 is up without dependencies installed

I was doing vagrant up with the puphpet/centos65-x64 generated from puphpet My box is fully up but none of the dependencies were installed. I try to ssh into the box and did yum install manually. There is error said the repository not found. Then I changed the repo to the working url (tried in browser) and it was working fine. Change the baseurl from to Then reload the box with provisioning

Bower install hangs at prompt input message

Today when I try to run The bower install the dependencies but there after displaying the it got stuck there. I try but no use. After that I found out there is message Bower want to tell me and ask me for my selection. I go to file .bowerrc and remove the line then try again. Now it prompts me a message ask me to choose the correct version for one of my dependencies.

Create AngularJS app structure using Yeoman

For AngularJS beginners who don’t know how the Angular app structure should be or for the Angular Dev who want to faster create new Controller or just start an local web server for testing or don’t know how to add the Angular Unit test. Yeomanwill help. Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. Required: NodeJS, Grunt Installation Usage Generate new Controller and View Run Run Test Build