Call nested multiple Angular $http request and handle the response

You want to do something when your http call is done. You can do it at the .success and .then, but if you have nested call after your http call success and you want to do same action when the nested call finish also then the good approach should be passing in the callback function as param

Angular JS karma filter unknown provider

I tried to inject the filter to Jasmine for test. But it keeps saying unknown provider The problem is I need to put to postfix the word Filter if your filter name is “filterName” Then in Jasmine you need to inject it with “filterNameFilter”

Angular Karma Jasmine doesn’t load directive during test

Today I tried to separate my directives to separate files.But after that my Jasmine test returns false because the directive is not loaded to the test anymore. The problem is that I use the same module name and second param [] in the module when define the directive in different files then only the last file will create the module with it directive. The others will be ignored. requires (optional): If specified then new module is being created.

Maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs

Nowadays people are using different IDE and they are using different styles as well as format for source files. When we push to our source control it may cause conflict. There is one way to avoid that is to use EditorConfig. When you put this file to your source code, all the supported IDE or through plugin, will format the source code files with the same style you predefined in the .

Write to NTFS usb thumb drive from OSX

You have an USB thumb drive which contains the files copied from a Windows machine and now you connect to your Macbook OSX and you can read the files but can’t write to that drive or modified the contents. There is 1 way to do that is modifying the fstab file Add below line to fstab file and save it (Ctrl O) Remember to change the USBName to your USB thumb drive name.